
The Competence Network for Scientific High Performance Computing in Bavaria (KONWIHR) is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts. The main objective of KONWIHR is to provide technical support for the use of high performance computers and to expand their deployment potential through research and development projects.

The aim of the funding programme is to support scientists in Bavaria in adapting and developing their numerical applications or other data- or computation-intensive codes for modern (highly) parallel computer architectures. Efficient executability and scalability on modern manycore architectures shall be ensured. Project funding includes the provision of personnel resources and access to the proven HPC competence of the participating computer centers. KONWIHR offers low barrier funding for software development on scientific HPC codes.


The main email contact point is info@konwihr.de .

Responsible for KONWIHR in northern Bavaria:

Prof. Gerhard Wellein

Spokesperson FAU

Dr. Katrin Nusser

KONWIHR administrative office RRZE


You find details how to apply for funding on the KONWIHR pages.

Funding is provided for projects at Bavarian colleges and universities. Funding is based on the duration of the project and can amount to a maximum of 10,000 € (small project with three months) or up to 50,000 € for projects with a duration of twelve months.

The projects must be carried out in close cooperation with one of the two computer centres (LRZ/RRZE). In particular, the funded project staff member should spend a longer period (about 50% of the project duration) at one of the two centres in order to be able to draw directly on the HPC expertise there. For applicants outside the Erlangen and Munich/Garching locations, a subsidy for travel and subsistence costs can be granted upon application.

Scope of project applications:

  • Small projects (up to 3 months / 10,000€):  description of project objectives and work to be carried out on about 2 pages
  • Large projects (up to twelve months / 50,000€): more detailed description, including additional preparatory work and the methods used on a total of 6 pages

Further Information